Welcome To My ED 480 Blog!

Hi Everyone, my name is Nora and I am a full time Northern Marianas College Student, pursuing a Bachelor's Degree In Elementary Education. My Blog features all the projects that I will be doing throughout the Fall semester. Be checking back for I will be posting more works of tech.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Ocean Life Webquest

Discover the Ocean Life

This project is intended for the students to learn more about the ocean and marine life. This is a way to help islanders become aware and educated about the ocean that surrounds them and how it all relates to our own survival.
Curriculum: English / Language Arts, Science, Technology
Grade Level(s): 6-8
Language: English
Author: Ocean Life
Other Author(s): Nora Fujihira, Jocelyn Itibus, Eluene Baza, Corin Rengiil

Webquest URL:

This webquest project was specially created by me, Corin, Jocelyn, and Eluene. In our sessions we talked about what should be a good topic that we can create that would meet the standards of the CNMI children. We decided to focus our web quest on having students discover what the ocean has to offer. We felt that as islanders it's very important that our students be aware of the ocean and the life that exist in it. It's also crucial that they learn about how we can protect and preserve our marine resources.

The most important lesson that i've learned is how you can use the web quest as a part of teaching a lesson that can meet student learning of a concept. It's my first time to see this kind of teaching tool, it was a great opportunity to try it out and experience how I can use this when i'm in the classroom.

I like this web-based tool, because it actually is user friendly, for each part that you work on there are directions and examples of how you can design and input information for each step of the the quest.

The next time I use this tool, I would try other features that it could do to make the quest grab the students attention and really interesting that they can't resist from going through it.

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