Welcome To My ED 480 Blog!

Hi Everyone, my name is Nora and I am a full time Northern Marianas College Student, pursuing a Bachelor's Degree In Elementary Education. My Blog features all the projects that I will be doing throughout the Fall semester. Be checking back for I will be posting more works of tech.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Final Flat Stanley Video

This is the combined video footages that we took through the Flat Stanley Project:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Flat Stanley Videos

This is a video clip of students writing their journal entries
of the things they did with their flat friend:

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udeGvO3guOs

This is a video clip of the students with their flat friend at the
Peace builder ceremony at San Antonio Elementary:

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt6UE0JaXM8

* Check back for more video clips of this project

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Flat Stanley Photos

Hi everyone,
These are photos that we took of our 3rd grade students of San Antonio Elementary School doing the Flat Stanley Project.

If the slideshow doesn't work try this link:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Flat Stanley Project!

For the Flat Stanley Project I worked with Corin and Jing. We were able to collaborate with Mrs. Catherine Acera's 3rd Grade Class at San Antonio Elementary School.

- Our lesson plan was based on a series of activities that they needed to complete before we finally sent off the student's Flat Friends. Throughout the whole week the students created their Flat Friend, gave them a name and bring them around wherever they went. They were also keeping journal entries about their adventures with their friend, that they would send to their friends from the other side of the world. The students were able to browse through the Flat Stanley website to look at the different schools that participated in the project and showed them pictures of Flat Stanley's tour around the world. We had the kids use Google earth to view Saipan and other places in the world. We were also able to get video clips of them with their flat friends during the Peace Builder ceremony.

- The experience I gained from working with these 3rd grade students was something that I would never forget. I was able to get to know these kids and I've also learned a lot through them. They were willing to work with our group to make this project a successful one.

- The only down fall of this project was that we haven't gotten any response from the school that we sent the children's flat friends to. Up until this day when the kids see me they'll ask if their package has arrived, so I'm hoping that they'll eventually get a response. The other goods news that the teacher shared with me was that her class received Flat Stanley letters from a 3rd grade class in California, at least this would keep their hopes high as we wait for the one's we sent. The next time I decide to do this, it will be good if I communicate with the school or teacher first before we sent out the package to them, that way we'll guarantee that we will get a response.

- This project was a great learning experience for me. It gave me ideas on how I would do it again when I get into the classroom. This project really gets the students interested because they get a chance to work with other children from different parts of the world and the fact that they will have a treasure that has traveled the different parts of the world. For children, receiving something of any value really gets them excited and eager to see what they've gotten.