Welcome To My ED 480 Blog!

Hi Everyone, my name is Nora and I am a full time Northern Marianas College Student, pursuing a Bachelor's Degree In Elementary Education. My Blog features all the projects that I will be doing throughout the Fall semester. Be checking back for I will be posting more works of tech.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Professional Portfolio

Hi everyone,
Check out my Professional Portfolio at www.noraed480.weebly.com

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Photo Bucket Teach Back

My teachback is on "How to use Photobucket"

You can access it from the following link: http://www.slideshare.net/secret/y7iD7nennojlac

In doing this project i've learned to use three different teaching tools that you can integrate into some of your lessons. For my slides I used Power Point, this office tools is beneficial when you are going to present or teach a concept visually. With the Slide Share this online tool makes you keep your slides or pdf files and enables you to share it with friends, families or publishing it out for other peoples use. And lastly, the photo bucket online tool, this tool has alot of creative things that you can do with your images and your created photo albums. Once you upload your photos from your PC into your photobucket account it will always be there and you can do so many things with them, like creating slideshows, adding graphics, borders, and moving objects to them. When you complete it you can share it to your friends and families through email, forums, blogs, and message boards. The site also has millions of images and videos that you can browse through to use and watch.

This thing that I would do differently is to use these tools to do other concept teachings, use it as a tool to show or present some family photos, and also add more pictures, text effects, and sounds. The three tools are useful to integrate into your lesson planning, they liven up your teachings.

You can do so many creative activities with these tools (power point and slideshare). You can have students do country presentations, advertising a product, a family phot0 slide show, displaying charts and graphs, etc. There's so many others and it all depends on how a teacher plans it out to make it a meaningful task.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Journal Writing Rubric

I created my journal-writing rubric at http://www.teach-nology.com/. Part of our lesson plan for the Flat Stanley project is for students to write journal entries on the things that they have done with their flat friend. I like this website because not only does it automatically create the rubric for you, but it also offers activity ideas on different subject areas and subjects. The tool also gives you the option to add an image and also gives you options to choose on how you want to design your expectations. Rubrics are helpful for evaluating student’s work by measuring the product to real life criteria. The expectations vary for each child’s level of expertise. It also helps you plan for instructions on the needed areas that the child is having problems and it gives you an idea of whether the child had grasp the topic or objective of the task.